Community Speed Watch scheme
We are planning to join this scheme however there is currently a backlog so cannot say when but we are looking for volunteers from the parish again so if you are interested let us know… Community Speed Watch scheme
We are planning to join this scheme however there is currently a backlog so cannot say when but we are looking for volunteers from the parish again so if you are interested let us know… Community Speed Watch scheme
Due to the uncontested election a vacancies exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Aislaby&Parish of Middleton Are you looking for a new challenge? Are you passionate about where you live… Vacancies for Parish Councillor
After a long wait and the removal of the bridge when it was damaged by an accident the bridge has been rebuilt by the Parish Council.
The Parish Council planted a replacement for the Cherry tree that died on Goshan Green at Wrelton. The replacement tree a Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea (or Copper Beach to you and me) kindly funded by a… Wrelton – Replacement tree for Goshan
New village signs were installed by the parish council in August, replacing the faded and damaged signs on Cawthorn Lane, Goshan, and old Road. The Older sign was left as a replacement of the same… Wrelton gets new signs
In 2019 Aislaby, Middleton and Wrelton Parish Council undertook to review the Parish Plan that was devised in 2008 with the aim of re-evaluating what is important to our residents. The review included a survey… Parish Plan Revisted 2020
The parish council meetings are returning to in person in Wrelton Village Hall from June 2021, However due to current restrictions members of the public should inform the council if they wish to attend to… Council in the cloud (Update Jun 2021)
Update Mar 2021: BT phone box Wrelton is in consultancy period, the council has objected to the removal due to the poor mobile signal and as requested to adapt the Wrelton Box should the objection… Phone Box consultation
To all Parishioners from Aislaby, Middleton and Wrelton Parish Council (the Parish Council) The Parish Council currently has a small surplus of funds of approximately £1500. It would like this money to be used to… Parish Grants Available!
Big thank you to all who helps clean out the silt trap and remove overgrown vegetation at Middleton pond. We are sure you will see a big improvements come spring time when the area greens… Middleton Pond 2017